Press releases

Full year 2023 results: current EBITDA above 20%, strong cash generation in the second semester

Acceleration in Q4 2023: +18% revenue and +20% order intake

Exail Technologies wins a €28 million international tender in the Middle East

New order for a DriX drone for a global player in hydrography

Activity of the third quarter 2023: +14% revenues and +20% order intake

Publication of a press article concerning the tender in Australia

Navigation systems: towards a record year with four major new orders worth around €10 million

H1 2023 results: €154 million in revenue and 21% in current EBITDA margin

Navigation Systems: record order for a hundred inertial navigation systems for the civil sector

New order for DriX maritime drone in the USA and creation of an innovation center in partnership with the University of New Hampshire